A space designed for the welfare of the horses

Our stud farm has magnificent facilities designed for the most horses find the best conditions for breeding, development and training.

A champion is forged by taking maximum care of every single detail

The breeding is semi-extensive; foals and mares come to meadows by day and are collected at night, except in summer, when they remain also at night on the meadows. All of our stallions, mares and foals eat three times a day with a diet rich in top-quality feed and crushed cereal to ease digestion, along with hay and alfalfa grass. The meadows are fertilised yearly and fallow every three months for cleaning and oxygenation.

Our facilities hold

  • 1 Indoor track
  • 1 Outdoor track
  • 10 Stallion boxes
  • 2 Stables for farrowing mares
  • 2 Stables for weaning horses
  • 2 Warehouses for hay, alfalfa, straw and machinery
  • 2 Cereal Silos
  • 6 Meadows with a total of 7 hectares
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The best professionals are those who love their work

A group of highly qualified professionals consisting of riders, veterinarians, sports play and first aid, physiotherapist, farrier at sports level, etc… are in charge of the daily work with the stallions, mares and foals, and not to mention the stable- hands, whose sole purpose is that the horses are always in their best condition.

Moments and places in “Los Abedules”

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